Frequently Asked Questions
There’s an issue with one of the submissions, how do I raise this to an admin?
Click on the "Info" tooltip of the record and quote the Submission ID in a ticket, which you can submit through our #mod-mail channel on our discord. -
How are rank and score determined?
Your team can only have one rank in each category. You personally gain points for your individual best performance in each category, so if you are part of the team in 1st and 2nd place, you only get points for 1st place. First places are worth 8 points, Second places are worth 3 points, and Third places are worth 1 point.
Certain categories are too similar to warrant gaining multiple points, you can still submit under the individual categories but only the top 3 across the grouping will gain points. Records in the below categories are outlined with a white box if they reward points. For a more detailed view of how points contribute to the hiscores, take a look at our score breakdown page!
Grouped categories:
- Duo Vorago - All 6 weeks
- 0% Zamorak - Team sizes 2-5
- 100% Zamorak - Team sizes 2-5
- 2000% Zamorak - Team sizes 2-5
- Vermyx Normal Mode - All team sizes
- Vermyx Hard Mode - All team sizes
- Kezalam Normal Mode - All team sizes
- Kezalam Hard Mode - All team sizes
- Nakatra Normal Mode - All team sizes
- Nakatra Hard Mode - All team sizes
- Sanctum Normal Mode - All team sizes
- Sanctum Hard Mode - All team sizes
How is the embedded video picked on the leaderboards?
The embeddable status of a video is determined by it's copyright status and if the creator has made it unavailable for websites. We try and get around this by picking the next most relevant video that is embeddable and show that. If there's no embeddable videos for that category then it shows a default video. -
Why has Normal Mode Vorago been split up into weeks in some cases but grouped for other team sizes?
We were interested in adding weeks to small team Vorago records to help showcase optimal times and how they differ across weeks. The grouping of categories though avoids excessive points from being awarded -
How have the mechanics been allocated to these records and why are some missing?
We watched each submission and added the mechanics to them individually, in cases where it didn’t impact the kill, the mechanic wasn’t included so the submission isn’t excluded in the future if that mechanic was nerfed. For example: If the kill didn’t need to use target cycle to be the same time, it wasn’t added. -
How does the combat style filter work?
The combat style filter lets you look at any records that used that style. To clarify, this doesn't mean we're ranking speed kills across combat style.
The speed of a melee kill will still be compared to the speed of a mage/range kill when assigning ranks. The combat style field is mainly for information, not for splitting bosses into even more categories. -
Why can't I accept cookies? The button is out of view.
Please try disabling popup blockers first and restarting your browser. If you are still having this issue then open a ticket for us to investigate!